Wednesday, May 8, 2013


The creator of Botisto, a hand crafted shoe brand speaks with FS in a fun interview



FS:Why shoes? ¿what does it mean for you?
From an urban city dweller’s point of view shoes are a fundamental part of (outdoor) life (BTW, I never wear shoes inside a house) so why not make wearing them comfortable and stylish at the sometime. Moreover, (as our brand is dedicated only to men’s shoes) sometimes men find shoes shopping more interesting than shopping clothes. No sweaty fitting rooms.

FS:Where does the idea of designing shoes come from?
My idea was never to design shoes, as I’m not a designer. The designer behind the actual shoes models of the Botisto collection is Hanna Sarén. My idea was to create an innovative shoes brand based on high-quality and stylish custom-made shoes for men. The designer is only one part of the puzzle, and in the future the idea is to use other designers in addition to Hanna. We value ordinal planning work dedicated to high-quality and elegance, in other words we might be interested in cooperating with, for example, a young promising designer in the future.


FS:There´s an urban legend that says that “if someone wears nice shoes probably the rest of the clothing is nice too”, do you think is true?
Yes and no. On one hand, how one dresses up is an ensemble formed of many parts. In summary, nice shoes won’t save the day if one is wearing an ill-fitting suit. On the other hand, people who dedicate to elegant and personal style regarding shoes as well take the other parts carefully into account and usually the result or “the rest of the clothing” is indeed nice.
FS:We´ve just heard you´re expanding to Asian markets, please tell us about this exciting experience…
Exciting, yes. Asia is a powerful, dynamic and rising market area with plenty of potential clients who appreciate the traditional, high-quality European craftsmanship. Asia (developed countries particularly) is an interesting mixture of super modernity and conservative, traditional way of life.


FS:As a shoe designer, you must be very exigent with what you wear, had you ever feel uncomfortable with a pair shoes you doesn’t want to, or live a funny moment because of shoes?
I wear everything from running shoes to conservative dress shoes, but one thing is sure; I never wear uncomfortable shoes. There are times and places for every pair of shoes, you just have to be aware of the norms without being boring nor losing your personal style.
FS:How do you find a balance between style and comfort ability? Something difficult in many cases
Personally, without a problem (in particular if I wear Botisto shoes) However, I assume that you refer to the designing and manufacturing process. It’s true that sometimes you have to make compromises, in other words for example ditch a beautiful design that simply wouldn’t work as a custom-made shoe properly.


FS:I guess you look more to people´s shoes than anybody, is it someone that you admire for the shoes he/she wears?
Well, sometimes I find myself staring impolitely into people’s feet instead of their eyes… No, seriously I don’t spy on people’s shoes. Maybe sometimes if there is a clear inconsistency between occasion and shoes, let’s say a formal event and trainers, it can catch my attention, but in general the more versatile the shoes fashions more interesting. In other words, the most inspiring place to see nice shoes is to walk on the streets of any city in the world.

FS:Tell us about your plans, what can we expect from Botisto?
To expand to new cities and countries.

By: Itziar Arriola H.

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