Wednesday, May 8, 2013



She´s been the first woman to win a big wave classic, also the first female free surfer and one of the Billabong trendy girls…Get to know her!

She´s a life example, as a sports girl and as a person. She´s got girl power and over all, authenticity. In interview with Fashion Salade, the Billabong girl speaks about surf, fashion and life… ¡start reading!

FS: ¿ What is the meaning of surf in your life?
Surfing is my first love and it will be my last.
FS: ¿When did you start surfing?
I started surfing when I was just a baby thanks to my parents. Surfing was something my whole family did together when I was growing up.

FS: ¿How does it feels to form part of the Billabong team?
It is an honor and a privilege to ride for Billabong. I have been with them for many years and when I decided I had had enough with competing in really poor surf and that I wanted to be a professional free-surfer so I could focus on my passion (which is surfing big waves and barrels) they had my back when some of my other sponsors did not. So because of that I am very grateful and loyal to Billabong.
They are such a cool company and they have always loved and accepted me for who I am and they have never tried to change me to fit a certain image like a lot of the other surf companies do with their female team riders. I really couldn’t ask for a better sponsor than this so when I put the Billabong sticker on my board I do so with a lot of pride.

“People are either going to love me or hate me but as long as I can be happy and comfortable with myself that is all that really matters”.

FS: Surf is a sport that has a very powerful aesthetic , ¿What does fashion means to you?
I love fashion, to me it is a form of self expression. I think your fashion says something about your personality to people before you ever open your mouth… so why not say something fun and exciting?

FS: ¿Have you ever worried about your look?
I wouldn’t say I worry about it, I have fun with it. The only time I ever worried about my look was when I was trying to be more feminine to please the surf industry. That just never felt right to me so I stopped trying please everybody else and started making my look something that pleased me. People are either going to love me or hate me but as long as I can be happy and comfortable with myself that is all that really matters.

FS: People normally think that surfer girls are kind of relax and don´t care much about style and fashion, ¿what do you think of it?
As surfers our lifestyle is very relaxed so our fashion reflects that on a daily basis when we are at the beach. Some surfer girls don’t change their style when they leave the beach and go out and some do. I happen to be a surfer girl that loves to get dressed up when I go out. So I think it really just depends on the person.

FS: ¿Do you have any beauty routine to share with your fans and followers?
Yeah, don’t smash your face into the reef. lol
Also, lots of sunscreen and moisturizer.

FS: The past year you suffer a terrible accident, inspite of it, you´ve always had a positive attitude, the first quote you wrote in twitter after the event was: “ Looking good, feeling better” , ¿how did you felt at the time?, ¿Did your perspective of life change?
At the time of my accident I felt like somebody poured gasoline on my face and lit me on fire. I was also trying not to be devastated at the idea that my face was going to look different forever. Now I am ok with it… I mean I have a big ugly scar but it reminds me every day that I am strong and that I can overcome things… so I am not mad at it.

FS: You´ve been the first woman to win a big wave classic, also the first female free surfer…you´ve got girl power and achieve lots of goals, ¿what will your advice be to all the girls that follow your example?
Stay true to yourself and follow what you love. Nobody thought I could have a successful surfing career outside of competition but competition was no longer feeding my fire. So I made a career out of surfing big waves and barrels because it is what I love to do. It wasn’t easy and I lost a few sponsors along the way and had to make some tough adjustments in my life but I can honestly say I love what I do and I am happy with the choices I have made.

FS: Finally, of all the beaches you´ve ever been in the world, ¿which is your one &only favorite?
Now that just isn’t fair! There are so many beautiful beaches in the world, how can you pick only one? I don’t think I would be able to pick my favorite beach in the South of France let alone the whole world! I am from Hawaii so my favorite one would have to be there but there are so many beautiful beaches there it is impossible to pick my favorite.

By: Itziar Arriola H.
Photo credit Morgan Maassen

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